Application form.

Hey there! 👋
This application form is for me to get to know you a bit better – to see where you’re starting, and where you want to be heading in regards to your nutrition and/or fitness.

With that being said, please answer the questions with as much detail as possible; the more I know about you and your goals, the better I can help you!

After this form is submitted, you will receive an email from me regarding the next steps in the process to begin nutrition coaching and/or personal training with Coach Shandi. Make sure to check your inbox (spam folder too)!

Note: Not sure if you want to go forward with coaching, or do you still have questions? Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call here.

    First name

    Email address

    Why are you interested in nutrition coaching and/or personal training?

    Have you worked with a nutrition coach before?

    Have you worked with a personal trainer before?

    What are the main goals that you want to reach?

    Have you tried anything in the past to reach those goals?

    What are the major barriers that you experience when it comes to reaching your goal(s)?

    Do you have any current health conditions that I should be aware of?

    If, 6 months from now, you were to feel exactly how you want to in your body, what would that feel like?

    Do you have any questions for me, as your coach?

    Which program are you most interested in?